How to search correctlyhow to search correctly the first thing you need to pay attention to is morphology. We are talking about the form of the request and what part of speech it belongs to. The search is performed by synonyms and declensions but not by words with the same root. The phrases “cooling the house” or “cooling the house” may be considered similar but the phrase “house coolers” is a separate search result. How to properly search in yandex in the case of “cooling” the issue will be less commercial “coolers” offers to purchase climate control equipment.
The proximity of queries can be identified by coincidences if there are of them then the relationship can be doubted. Yandex like other search engines has the ability to automatically correct any types of errors for example typos or trivial grammatical errors. If you enter an mobile app development service incorrect query “recipe for candy made from picenya” the errors will be corrected automatically and the search will be performed not only by direct phrase but also by cases declensions numbers “sweets” “candy” “candy” etc. D. Search query syntax syntax if the search results should display results for a specific phrase synonymous constructions and incorrect word order are filtered out then it is advisable to involve search teams.
The procedure for working with them is as follows you need to write a query in the search bar; behind the phrases are operators or filters entered separated by a space. You can specify several operators at once to specify the result and discard inappropriate options. Query operators operators entered on a line must be separated by spaces just like words in a passphrase. Promoting a business in regional search results instructions with examples read also promoting a business in regional search results instructions with examples seo promotion beginners most popular characters to search for exclamation mark.